8 Quotes to Support Your Family Business in the Year Ahead

As a new year begins, the world continues to face ongoing social issues and environmental concerns. Despite the uncertainties of 2023, family...
Buenos Aires at Night

The 10 Largest Family Businesses in Buenos Aires

Argentina is Latin America’s third largest economy, with a GDP of around $632 billion. A resource-rich nation, Argentina controls the world’s second-largest...
Toronto Skyline

Toronto’s 10 Largest Family Businesses 

Family enterprises are a driving force in Canada’s economy, accounting for two-thirds of private-sector companies and contributing over $500 billion to the...
infographic economic impact 2023

Economic Impact of Family Businesses – A Compilation of Facts

With their ability to innovate through complex market uncertainties and evolve in shifting business ecosystems, family firms represent an enduring economic foundation...
Shibuya Crossing Tokyo

The 10 Largest Family Businesses in Tokyo

Japan is home to around 37,550 enterprises that have operated for over a century. The country’s largest stock exchange, the Tokyo Stock...
Margarita Louis-Dreyfus

The Women Leading the World’s Largest Family Enterprises

In just over two decades, the number of Fortune 500 companies led by women has increased from 4 to 53. It is...
New York City

The 10 Largest Family Businesses in New York City

There are around 5.5 million family businesses in the United States, which account for 54 per cent of the country’s GDP and...
succession stories

Drama-Free Succession: Ten Families Who Made it Work

The act of succession enables family businesses to maintain continuity as they transition from generation to generation. 4 Billion Country/Region: Germany Contending with falling revenues, patent losses, and pricing pressures, Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany’s second-largest drugmaker, selected a member from its founding family to serve as CEO for the first time in 25 years – a move intended to help steer the business through a challenging period.
Hong Kong

The 10 Largest Family Businesses in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is the world’s 10th largest trading economy and mainland China’s second most important trading partner, after the United States. Hong Kong’s economy is the most service-oriented of all global economies, accounting for 93.4 per cent of the territory’s more than $369 Billion GDP.
People on multi-colored background

Family Business Survey Suggests Emerging Generational Disconnects

The First Bank Center for Family-Owned Businesses 2023 Family Business Survey aims to answer that question and more. With the assistance of market research firm MacKenzie Corporation, the Center’s inaugural survey explores multigenerational issues affecting family firms, with a focus on long-term strategies and succession planning.